
Earn and Make Money Online Per Click

Paid to click is an online business model that draws online traffic from people aiming to earn money from home

About Us

Earn more than ever before Join Us

 Best Possible Way for Earn From Home is to be a part of JEKSKY community you can earn a best amount by watching simple ads in our platform and you can also earn money with your referal as we have also referal program you will get a good  commission from your referal and you can also made a good amount from self- earning by watch ads...

Our Plan Packages

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Our Features

Features Which Helps You Earn More

We're Global

We are starting our work for approx all countries, and we are collabs with a technology based company and multiple platforms for our happy customers for their Happy Working and good earning

Best Support

We are giving best quality support to our client. Our staff and employees are help you if any suggestion needed. Your love Our support great! Support system will be active on working days between 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM leaving the day of Saturday & Sunday along with government holidays in Indian country

We Accept PayPal

We use PayPal for Deposit and Withdraw because it is the safest way to transaction any amount

We're Profitable

No need to do hardworks, join with us we are going to launch multiple platforms for your good earning. In Jeksky you can earn In Dollars $ by Click on PTC, watch ads and easily earn money everyday.

We're Secure

We manage a secure way to deposit your money to our platform. Only Deposit money with our official platform. our employee never asks any OTP.

We're launching soon

We are under process for launching the UPI and Bank Transfer in our system as soon as possible


Frequently Asked Question

In the jeksky the minimum payout is 10$ through paypal on the time of trial when the trail success the minimum payout will be become to 2$

At this time we support only PayPal but we are under process for Bank transfer and UPI transfer

After logging successfully you need to click on Ptc option and go to MY ADS section then click on create advertisement then Set a title of your ad then choose the ad format and put the link or script or embedded link (if you want to upload YouTube video) then set th duration and maximum view then click submit button then it will go for admin approval after the approval your ad will be public and if it rejected then your amount will be credited to your account immediately...

You can earn money from Jeksky by watching ptc ads, after successful login go to the ptc section, click on ADS option then you will go to the ads page click on any advertisement ads it will be redirected you in a new page and there will be the ad will be loaded and a timer will run on the above of the page and when the times end you need to fill captcha and then click on confirm earn option your ad will be verified and you the amount will be credited in your account wallet
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Best Place To Earn Money Online Join Us

Earn, Click, Succeed: Unleash Your Earning Potential with Our Cutting-Edge PTC Platform!

  • 1000 + Advertisement
  • 0 + Users
  • 0.000$ + Withdraw

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